What makes you... you?
For those of you who are not watching this truly awesome show (you know who you are... and shame on you!), let me recap the basics: humans created the Cylons, a race of robots meant to serve mankind. They (of course), rebelled, and turned against humanity. Here's the twist: the Cylons created human-looking Cylons that are indistinguishable from flesh-and-blood humans: they look, feel and sound human, have the same biological components and behavior as humans, seem to experiment human emotions, and some of them truly believe themselves to be human.
My first question is: why would they not be considered human, then? If they experiment human emotions (whether these are part of some "software" they are programmed to run, or the result of some electrical activity in neurons), doesn't that make them human? If they truly believe they are having these feelings, and act accordingly, how are they any different from flesh-and-blood humans?
Another plot point of the show is that there are multiple copies of the same human-looking Cylon: some of them believe themselves to be the "real one." So, the second question that arises from this is: what makes us who we are? Is it our memories? Is it our behavior? Is it our reactions to stimuli?
For instance, let's say you have a friend who is 25 years old; if you could travel back in time and meet him when he was 8, and discarding any physical resemblance, how could you "tell" it's the same person? Your friend at 8 years of age has different memories, different behavior, different reactions to stimuli than your 25-year-old friend. Is there any set of tests, quantitative or even qualitative, that you could administer to his 8-year-old self, that would yield the same result if you administered it to his 25-year-old self?
Is the 8-year-old version of your friend, then, a different person? If so, when are we ever "the same person," if we are constantly gaining new memories, and being shaped by our experiences? Are we just a continuum of ever-changing selves that travel in time, shedding our previous incarnations at every infinitesimal moment, forever destined to being ourselves for only an instant?
Ok, I think I just wore out my keyboard's question mark: now it's time to hear your thoughts on this matter (knowing full well, of course, that once you reply you'll be a different person than when you started writing). :-D